4/2021 Update
We had to dig up the front parking south side parking lot and part of the Drive through area under the porte-cochere to fix a plumbing (sewage) problem which also caused us to remove the Fountain due to the connection to the city Main was directly in front of it. The plumbing issue has been corrected, the drive through has been replaced with Brick Pavers and we have put a statute of a horse in place of the Fountain.
The Deli and the Tiki Hut have passed all the construction inspections and we are now only waiting for the State of Florida to do a final Inspection for our food license. That has been called in and should take place within the next couple of weeks and we can open the Deli and the Tiki Hut. Once we get our food license we will then apply for the beer and wine license so we can serve beer, wine and wine-based cocktails.
The fenced area in front of the Deli and the Fitness center is having a porch cover installed which will begin on Monday 4/26/21. That should not take too much time to complete, it will be available for use prior to Memorial Day.
The Spa, Fire Pit area and outdoor kitchens are still waiting on the Department of Environmental Services to approve. When we built the tiki hut the delay was the EPA, the EPA has approved the plans as well as the city and the health department. Construction will begin once that approval has been completed. The city is helping us push the DES to get this done. More news to come on that front.